Today was day one of the 90 Mile Yard Sale. Some might think it a testament to consumerism, some anti - capitalists may look down on me, still, I love the hunt and in all I only spent eight bucks, which I don’t think is too bad. I digress however, on to describe all of my wonderful finds!
First (not in order of find) is a cassette called Power Chords Volume I released in 1987 by Atlantic Records and featuring bands like Overkill, Testament and Manowar among others.

Second was an untitled cassette by a band called Precious Metal released in 1990 by Chameleon Music Group. I bought it because with the look of the musicians and the name of the band, I thought there was a chance of it being Heavy Metal. I’d say it’s a little poppier than Joan Jett, which for my HxCx friends out there, may already be too poppy.

Third was Punk-O-Rama 3 released in 1998 by Epitaph. It features bands like NOFX, H20, The Cramps, Bad Religion and Pennywise.

Fourth is an album called “There Ain’t No ‘H’ in Ripcordz” by a Canadian punk band by the name of Dork-Face. It was released in 1992 (the year I was born) by Gaurd Records.

Fifth (and probably my favorite purchase) was Ram It Down by Judas Priest. Released in ‘88 by Columbia Records and featuring such hits as ‘Ram It Down’ (duh) and ‘Blood Red Skies.’

Sixth was The Ultimate Sin by Ozzy Osbourne. This was released in 1986 by CBS Records and features the hit ‘Shot In the Dark.’

Seventh was Young, Stupid & White by a band called XC-NN released in 1994 by Sony Music Entertainment.

Eighth is probably my second favorite purchase (and could be tied with ninth for it). It’s a book I’m very interested in reading and a book I’m very interested in getting everyone’s opinion on. It is called “The Intelligent Woman’s Guide To Socialism and Capitalism” by Bernard Shaw.

Ninth and final is Wolverine, Issue #2 released in December of 1988. (A comic my father is enjoying as I type this XD). An interesting couple of tidbits, this is the second comic in Wolverine’s third series. (He made his first appearance in a Hulk comic, which I find fitting, as they both feel like outcasts and badasses.) The first series only ran four issues in 1982 and the second series ran one issue before the Wolverine series finally picked up in ‘88 and ran through till 2003.

So, as I said, I think I’ve had a good day, not at all productive, I admit, but good, and I’m excited to head out and do it again tomorrow.
- J.A. Fisher
@JAFThrasher on Twitter
"If history is violence and sex, I'd rather not pay my respects. If I've caused offense, I'm just trying to talk sense. Forgive me if I'm too direct or politically incorrect." Jon Foreman
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