Sunday, June 24, 2012

VIDEO: How matching funds fit into strategy (From the Jill Stein For President Campaign)

Three new states are now 3/4 of the way to securing federal matching funds. Congratulations to Michigan, Ohio, and Virginia; you are almost there! These three states join Oregon and New Mexico near the finish line, and other states are making major progress too! Click here to see how our 15 priority states are doing.
With just over five days left to Double Your Green, campaign manager Ben Manski has recorded a short video explaining the importance of securing matching funds to the overall Stein strategy.See the video here:

Please make sure you donate in this final week of our matching funds campaign. And please spread the word to people in key states -- ask them to donate too!

"If history is violence and sex, I'd rather not pay my respects. If I've caused offense, I'm just trying to talk sense. Forgive me if I'm too direct or politically incorrect." Jon Foreman

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