The Stein campaign seeks applicants who are energetic, savvy, skilled, and self-directed for eleven full time campaign positions beginning now and running through November 15, 2012. Specifically, the campaign is opening hiring immediately in the areas of Scheduler and Merchandise, Phonebank Operations, Online and Direct Mail Fundraising, African American Organizing, Labor Organizing, Latino and Spanish Language Organizing, Student and Campus Organizing, Fair Debates and Superrallies, as well as personal assistants to the presidential and the vice-presidential candidates.
Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. The final deadline for all applications is midnight Eastern time, August 24, 2012, though hires will be completed earlier should the campaign so decide. NOTE: Hiring for these positions is contingent on reception of federal matching funds; final approval of these funds is expected immediately.

In elevating deficit reduction to his highest priority and setting up the deficit reduction supercommittee in 2011, President Obama made it clear that benefits programs were on the chopping block and that he would negotiate with Republicans on how to curtail them. Now, Representative Paul Ryan’s budget is in the spotlight, which also threatens services that millions of Americans depend on.
“Ryan's extreme budget ideas were rejected by Congress, including many of his own Republican colleagues,” said Stein. “Americans value Medicare and Social Security, and do not want to be the sacrificial lambs for deficit reduction, especially when they see the massive waste in the private health insurance industry, the bloated Pentagon budget, and the backroom Wall Street bailouts.”
Last Sunday’s terrorist attack at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin is a "clear wake-up call that the nation is not adequately addressing the terrorism threat from white supremacist groups," warned Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein following an address to a major veterans group, Veterans for Peace, at their national convention in Miami this weekend.
Stein said that, “It is long past time that the FBI show it understands that white supremacists, not pacifists or environmentalists, are the real threat to American security.”

When I decided to run for president of the United States, spending the night in a Philadelphia jail cell was not part of my strategy. But I and my running mate on the Green Party ticket, Cheri Honkala, found ourselves in handcuffs this month after we refused to leave the Philadelphia building housing the regional headquarters of the mortgage giant Fannie Mae.
We were there to support two women whose families faced unjust evictions by Fannie Mae, as well as the eight million other families who have faced foreclosure at the hands of Wall Street.
One of the women we were supporting, Rhonda Lancaster, has lived in her home for 35 years. She took out a second mortgage to pay her ailing mother's medical bills. After her mother died, a bank moved to take the house and throw Lancaster out on the street. She is still fighting a potentially imminent eviction.
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