Monday, July 9, 2012

VICTORY: Illinois Greens are back on the ballot (From The Jill Stein For President Campaign)

Illinois goes GreenOn June 25th, Illinois Greens submitted well in excess of the required 25,000 signatures to place the Green Party on the Illinois ballot. Now, with the challenge period past and the Illinois Green Party ceritifed, we are declaring victory in winning a ballot line in one of the toughest remaining states in our ballot access struggle!
Illinois is the 21st state to gain a ballot line for the Green Party. As of July 9, 2012, the majority of U.S. voters will have the opportunity to cast a direct vote for Jill Stein, and she will be on enough ballot lines in enough populous states to win the Electoral College and therefore the presidency. We are currently petitioning in another 19 states, and expect to begin ballot drives in the remaining states in the weeks ahead.
The Stein campaign made Illinois ballot acess a top priority for the month of June. We rented a large apartment in Chicago for two weeks, and paid for dozens of volunteers to travel to Illinois to assist the Greens there with their ballot drive. Associate Campaign Manager Erika Wolf, in particular, put in long hours managing the Stein campaign's contributions to the effort.
In over 100 degree heat, for 12 hours a day, Greens and other Stein supporters worked to achieve this breakthrough. Congratulations to the Illinois Green Party and the Green Party of the United States for their essential work in putting Illinois back on the Green map!
For more information regarding the current state of our ballot drive, see

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