How do we overcome a rigged political system?
With every ounce of power we have.
In Philadelphia, Greens and our allies are out in our communities hour-by-hour collecting signatures to put us on the ballot. In the Facebook video at right, you can see us getting ready to go out petitioning yesterday.
Pennsylvania is the state where the Liberty Bell first rang.
But today it is a state where one major party plots to use new restrictions to keep millions of poor people from voting. And it is the state where the the other major party spends a fortune to keep the Greens and other voices off the ballot.

That's why I and dozens of others here are working to make sure we get the 40,000 signatures we need to get on the Pennsylvania ballot.
Please help us overcome rigged elections in Pennsylvania. Help usraise the $60,000 we need to ensure a place on ballot in this keystone state.
Don't let them shut us out, shut us up, or shut down the promise of free and fair elections. Do make a donation for Pennsylvania.
~ Cheri Honkala
Green Party nominee for Vice President
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
p.s. - Thank you.
Please take an immediate step by making a donation: http://www.jillstein.org/donate
Authorized and paid for by Jill Stein for PresidentPO Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217
Jill Stein for President · United States
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