Dear Joshua,

The media were there, and remain with us. They are interested in this powerful duo who speak directly to the real needs of the American people and the real crisis our world faces. We have identified over 700 news articles that have appeared in print, and over 250 video stories, since the beginning of the convention. Tens of millions of voters are now paying attention. You can see a sample of the media coverage here and see videos from the convention here.
Now we are moving from victory to victory, and we need you with us as we move into Pennsylvania. We need your financial support right now. Here's why.
We are putting all the cash we have on hand into ensuring that we get on the Pennsylvania ballot. Everything. We need your help to close the gap. And we need to keep the rest of our campaign moving forward while we do it.
As you know, we expect to receive a large matching funds check in the coming weeks. But we don't have that money yet. And so we are putting everything we have into mobilizing volunteers, stipending petitioners, paying professional petitioners, covering travel costs. It may cost us $60,000. I'll share more about our ballot access fight in a little bit. But first, please donate right now to get Pennsylvania -- Cheri Honkala's home state -- on the ballot.

- Up to $2500 per individual before September 6th. That's right: the maximum donation per person is $2500.
- Small donations help too -- so give as much as you are able, and that will make the difference.
- The first $250 you donate will be matched when we get federal matching funds
Why we are throwing everything into Pennsylvania:
- It is the biggest remaining state for which we have the resources to get on the ballot. Many other states don't need our financial assistance (WI, MN, IA, NJ, RI, OR, and others, you're on your way!) and three others would costs hundreds of thousands of dollars that we simply don't have right now.
- It is a state with a long history of electing Greens to public office.
- It is the home state of our vice presidential candidate.
We've already accomplished much more than most observers expected. But this campaign has an ambition to change the direction of this country -- while we still can. We need you with us even more in the coming days. Please donate now.Thank you.
~ Ben Manski
Campaign Manager
~ Ben Manski
Campaign Manager
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