We are very proud to announce that Jill Stein is the first ever Green Party presidential candidate, and as of July 1st, the only 2012 progressive presidential candidate, to secure the necessary public support to qualify for federal matching funds!
The Stein campaign has released a semi-final report of donations raised in its Double Your Green campaign, as follows below. Tomorrow, July 2nd, Dr. Stein will issue a statement regarding the importance of this victory.

The first $250 donated by any adult citizen or legal resident is counted by the Federal Election Commission as a qualifying donation, and will be doubled once the Stein campaign's application for matching funds has been approved. To gain approval, the campaign must demonstrate that it has raised at least $5000 in qualifying donations in each of at least 20 states.
Donations in states that have already qualified are still welcome, not only for their own sake, but more importantly because they provide a margin of safety to ensure that the Stein campaign is approved for matching funds. Additionally, once we have been approved, every dollar donated up to $250 per donor will be matched, regarding of the state of residency of that donor (if you live in Wyoming, your donation will be matched).
The following table (below) shows cumulative qualifying donations ($250 or less) per state. As of July 1st, 2012, 22 states had passed the threshold. These states are Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.
State | Qualifying Donations as of 7/1 |
MA | $ 19,604.16 |
NY | $ 18,945.28 |
CA | $ 17,790.61 |
WA | $ 9,964.05 |
IL | $ 7,218.00 |
MN | $ 6,383.70 |
CT | $ 6,172.12 |
WI | $ 6,010.99 |
TX | $ 5,987.10 |
AZ | $ 5,948.50 |
MD | $ 5,942.05 |
NJ | $ 5,925.00 |
PA | $ 5,917.85 |
FL | $ 5,838.95 |
CO | $ 5,720.10 |
OR | $ 5,705.00 |
MI | $ 5,522.78 |
NC | $ 5,433.00 |
OH | $ 5,355.02 |
VA | $ 5,154.90 |
NM | $ 5,135.10 |
DC | $ 5,124.55 |
TN | $ 2,368.00 |
ME | $ 1,690.00 |
MO | $ 1,750.00 |
IN | $ 1,555.00 |
SC | $ 944.12 |
AL | $ 850.00 |
GA | $ 843.00 |
IA | $ 769.05 |
VT | $ 706.11 |
DE | $ 650.00 |
RI | $ 610.00 |
HI | $ 570.00 |
AR | $ 450.00 |
NH | $ 443.00 |
UT | $ 395.00 |
AK | $ 385.00 |
NE | $ 375.00 |
NV | $ 312.47 |
ID | $ 265.00 |
KY | $ 195.00 |
KS | $ 111.02 |
ND | $ 110.00 |
LA | $ 78.00 |
MT | $ 75.00 |
OK | $ 45.00 |
WV | $ 40.00 |
MS | $ 20.00 |
SD | $ 10.00 |
"If history is violence and sex, I'd rather not pay my respects. If I've caused offense, I'm just trying to talk sense. Forgive me if I'm too direct or politically incorrect." Jon Foreman
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