For Immediate Release:
Monday, September 3, 2012
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
While Obama and Romney ignore global warming, Green presidential nominee Jill
Stein and other Green candidates promote real solutions
• Unless Stein can join the presidential debates, there will be no discussion of
fossil fuel consumption, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, hydrofracking,
mountaintop detonation mining, and other threats to the environment and public
WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party candidates and leaders said today that the delay
of the Republican National Convention in Tampa and hurricane Isaac's Gulf Coast
landfall should remind voters of a worsening crisis that both Mitt Romney and
Barack Obama keep ignoring: global climate disruption.
Greens expressed alarm over Thursday's news that the Obama Administration has
granted Shell Oil approval for dangerous oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean in a
fragile region off Alaska, especially when a critical oil-spill containment
vessel still awaits certification.
• Andrew Groff, Green candidate for US Senate in Delaware
"Unless Green presidential candidate Jill Stein is allowed to participate in the
presidential debates, there will be no discussion of what we need to do to curb
catastrophic climate change. On one hand, Romney is appeasing the know-nothing
extremists and junk-science believers in the GOP who deny human responsibility
for global warming. On the other hand, President Obama has proposed minimal
steps to deal with global warming -- and then undercuts them by surrendering to
the corporate energy lobby, supporting off-shore drilling in US coastal waters,
repeating the myth of 'clean coal', and allowing hydrofracking and mountaintop
detonation mining to continue. All of these are immediate threats to public
health and the environment and contribute to the fossil-fuel consumption that's
pumping more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The effects are
already evident in the drought and growing instability of weather patterns in
the US."
(See also "Climate Change: An Information Statement of the American
Meteorological Society," August 20, 2012,
• Martin Pleasant, Green candidate for US Senate in Tennessee
"Jill Stein and other Green candidates are running on a platform that will put
millions of Americans to work and restore economic stability by combatting
global warming with new jobs in conservation, developing new and safe energy
technologies, retrofitting buildings and homes and redesigning public
infrastructure for energy efficiency, expanding public transportation to reduce
car traffic, a carbon tax as an incentive to promote safe and clean energy, and
other ideas. Obama and Romney keep talking about independence from foreign oil.
The real problem is America's addiction to fossil fuels, regardless of where
they come from. Only Dr. Stein is offering solutions."
(More on Dr. Stein's 'Green New Deal':
• Ursula Rozum, Green candidate for US House in New York's District 24
economy humane," Syracuse Post Standard, April 20, 2012
"The Obama Administration has turned out to be a disaster on the global warming
front. He wants to banish the 2C goal (keeping the world's average temperature
from rising more than two degrees Centigrade) from international negotiations on
climate change (
President Obama is also promoting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a new
international trade pact that will serve powerful corporate lobbies by
overrriding environmental protections and allowing more logging, drilling,
mining, and transportation of raw materials in the Pacific rim, as well as
weakening labor rights and imposing more restrictive intellectual property
rules. TPP was negotiated in secret and is supported by Mitt Romney. Greens
oppose it. There will be no discussion of these enormously important issues in
the Obama vs. Romney debate. A victory for either candidate on Nov. 6 will spell
more disaster for our planet."
See also:
Green Party Platform on Climate Change
"Green Party to Obama: Whether foreign or domestic, it's time for America to cut
oil and gas from our energy diet"
Green Party press release, January 31, 2012
"Solar Utopia: Another future is possible!"
With articles and essays by David Schwartzman, DC Statehood Green Party
candidate for the US Senate, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Howard
"Framing in the context of fracking"
By Cecile Lawrence, Green Papers, August 29, 2012
Green Party Eco-Action Committee
"Climate change is here — and worse than we thought"
By James E. Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies,
The Washington Post, August 3, 2012
"Who’s afraid of the big, bad drought? Romney and Obama say they want to help
farmers, but refuse to mention the cause of the drought that's hurting them"
By Andrew Leonard,, August 10, 2012
"The TPP & the Environment: A Behind-Closed-Doors Deal for the 1%"
Citizens Trade Campaign
"Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign
By Zach Carter, The Huffington Post, June 13, 2012
Green Party of the United States
• 2012 Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention, July 12-15 in Baltimore,
Md. http://www.gpconvention2012.
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