Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Country Before Party Money Bomb

From the Buddy Roemer for President Campaign:


We are in the process of changing history – but we need your help to do it. 

Last Thursday, from the headquarters of Yowie.com, Governor Roemer held an online speech where he proudly stated, “I’m not interested in building a party, I’m interested in building America.” The speech announced his decision to drop his bid for the Republican nomination and become an Independent candidate for President. We will seek theAmericans Elect nomination and continue to build a coalition that transcends boundaries and includes the best of America’s voices calling for reform and better government. Our coalition will include the Reform Party, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Occupiers and Tea Partiers – everyone who wants to have a real choice in this November’s election. With this coalition, and with Governor Roemer’s leadership, the special interests that control our government have no chance.

With that said, we need your help to continue this campaign. There is another path, but we need millions of Americans like you, who are fed up with the status quo, to join the fight. Today, we begin our week-long “Country Before Party” Money Bomb. Please donate any amount, up to $100, but most importantly, tell your family and friends about our campaign to change America. With a limited budget and little name recognition, we depend on YOU to spread our message of ending corruption and partisan gridlock in Washington.  Soon, every household in America will know Buddy Roemer’s name - but only if you help us to spread the word.

Join us,

Carlos Sierra
Campaign Manager

P.S. – In case you missed it, make sure you watch Buddy’s speech at Yowie and his appearance on C-SPAN.

Copyright © 2012 Buddy Roemer for President, All rights reserved.
Paid for by Buddy Roemer for President
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 84877
Baton Rouge, LA 70884

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