We're getting a lot more media attention as the campaign grows, but it's nothing compared to what Obama and Romney are getting - not surprisingly since they have enormous advertising budgets and since mainstream media is owned by the same coporations that own the two major parties.
Despite the uneven playing field, we will be heard.
In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing a variety of ways you can help us amplify our message and ensure the citizens of the United States are given the opportunity to hear from a candidate who has real solutions for moving this country forward.
So, let’s dive in with two easy ways to help today:
1. Make sure you’re connected to us! Since we don’t have a multi-million dollar budget for paid advertising like our competitors, social media is one of our best options for raising awareness. And, if you saw the impact it had first for the Howard Dean campaign, then the revolution in Egypt and the uprisings in Wisconsin and around the country - you know it’s an imperative force for advocacy. We need all of you with us everywhere you can be!
- Facebook http://www.facebook.com/drjillstein
- Twitter http://twitter.com/jillstein2012
- YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/JillStein2012?feature=watch
2. Help us get media coverage on three target outlets: The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and The Rachel Maddow Show. These three sources could help us reach millions of sympathetic voters!
On Facebook - Leave a message on their walls, privately message them, comment on their posts - whatever it takes to get their attention (respectfully please!)
On Facebook - Leave a message on their walls, privately message them, comment on their posts - whatever it takes to get their attention (respectfully please!)
- http://www.facebook.com/thecolbertreport
- http://www.facebook.com/thedailyshow
- http://www.facebook.com/therachelmaddowshow
On Twitter (copy and paste - or create your own tweet!)
- PLEASE @StephenAtHome - have #Green Party #POTUS candidate @jillstein2012 on the @Colbertreport!
- Hey @TheDailyShow - how about having #Green Party #POTUS candidate @JillStein2012 on the show?
- Hey @maddow - how about having #Green Party #POTUS candidate @JillStein2012 on the show?
Thanks to everyone who's already been helping us with these efforts! Let's keep the pressure on!
And, thanks so much to all of you for your continued support! Together, we can reclaim democracy!!
Janelle Sorensenhttp://www.jillstein.org/
Please take an immediate step by making a donation: http://www.jillstein.org/donate
Authorized and paid for by Jill Stein for PresidentPO Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217
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